In-Home Basic Obedience


  • “Come,” “Sit,” and “Extended Sit.”
  • “Down” and “Extended Down.”
  • “Place” and “Extended Place.” They will sit on aspecific location that you point to (chair, park bench, etc)
  • “Out.” To drop any and all the things you ask them to.
  • “Loose Leash Walking.” They will walk right beside of you on a leash
  • “Off.” Do not jump on me or anyone else
  • Includes e-collar and training leash


You get the same great Basic Obedience training, except WE come to YOU! You’ll receive 4 private “in-home” lessons, electronic collar, and leash.

“Come,” “Sit,” and “Extended Sit.”
“Down” and “Extended Down.”
“Place” and “Extended Place.” They will sit on aspecific location that you point to (chair, park bench, etc)
“Out.” To drop any and all the things you ask them to.
“Loose Leash Walking.” They will walk right beside of you on a leash
“Off.” Do not jump on me or anyone else.

This includes the Off-Leash K9 Training E-Collar which all of our dogs are trained on, a 15-foot leash, and includes FOUR private “in-home” lessons. The e-collar we use has a two-year warranty, is completely waterproof, and has a range of 3/4 mile (1200 yards)! This will be brought to your first lesson along with the 20-foot leash! By the end of this package, your dog will be able to be outside, off-leash, with distractions listening on command.

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